12th January 2018

   And the winner of the knitting needle roll is...

Thank you very much to all of you who took the time  to our new website and select your favorite shade of Indiecita Baby Brushed Alpaca. Congratulations to Brenda, your name was drawn out of the knitting bag and we will be sending you one of our hand made knitting needle rolls. I have now grabbed a whole lot of this yarn off the shelf and will be starting my new project over the weekend.
Well,  I hope I will be starting a new project this weekend BUT I do have to complete 'Capri':  a linen loose fit sweater which I actually started last summer. I completed the front, back and one  sleeve. I only had a couple of hours work on the final sleeve, and of course, the dreaded sewing up. I made a bit of an arrangement in store of my knitted pieces along side the yarn, a sort of 'work in progress' display' Well blow me... the back of the garment went 'walk about' I hunted high and low, I suspected I had popped it down somewhere stupid, (I expect that raised a giggle from all of you over 50!) Well the dratted knitted piece could not be found. Even when I boxed up the entire shop an moved up to Milford it failed to reveal itself. Well, the final piece of my garment is almost complete. Tonight I plan to catch up on a  recorded Gardeners World  and if I am not drooling over Monty Don, and his beautiful Golden Retriever, Nigel, I will speedily cast off and sew the damn thing up! 


I am extremely thankful that I am around this week. An emergency trip to England was on the cards for last week, as my elderly parents we struck down with Aussie Flu, a particular strain of the illness that was not anticipated and not covered by the vaccination given to those on the susceptible. My father was particularly unwell, and even now, two weeks later he is only emerging from his sick bed for soup, Jammy Dodger biscuits and to check the football results. The fact that he has not had a shave since New Year is extremely alarming, Dad has shaved religiously every day of his adult life. His silvery whiskers are the most accurate indicator of how serious his condition is. I spoke to him briefly this week. Mum handed the phone to him, I suspect she was wanting to make sure I have a 'last few words' with him. Ever the optimist, he dismissed his life threatening condition, He had no intention of 'popping his clogs as he  had received some dahlia tubers for Christmas, and come hell or high water he was going to get them planted in the garden!  I have just booked my annual flight home for June, I sincerely hope those  dahlias are about three feet tall and about to flower.

My beautiful Husqvarna sewing machine has attracted  a bit of a following. A number of you have called into the store to chat on the subject of 'all things vintage' one lady asked me what name have I given my machine. Crikey, I hadn't thought of a name what an oversight! Victoria or Grace immediately spring to mind but I'm going to throw it open to all of you to choose a suitably lovely name. Click here to take a look at my lovely sewing machine and give yourself some inspiration. E mail in  your suggestions and  I will make a special poppy print needle roll for whoever's  name is pulled out of the knitting bag next Friday.
 And finally, Valentines day is fast approaching, may we suggest that chocolates and flowers are outdated...knitted pantaloons will be all the Vogue for February 2018!


 Happy Knitting from the Woolly Girls
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