It's Been A Topsy-Turvy Year!

...but I'd like to thank you all by offering a 20% discount both online and instore.

  Let's start this newsletter off with the really important stuff, and then if you want to continue on to my middle aged rambling, please feel free!

  I am not going to mention the 'C' word at all in this newsletter. We are all mentally and physically exhausted with everything that has been thrown at us this year, I for one, am at 'saturation point', so, rather than waste time and energy on this year's challenges, I'll rapidly go on to some way more cheerful news.

 Firstly I would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all your support this year. I know it is a bit of a cliché but supporting your small and local retailers is so important, I am so  appreciative of your support and encouragement this last year. Of course, us retailers do have to put in the goes without saying that we must offer our customers products they want, but most importantly we should  provide top quality service and build a caring and genuine relationship with our customers.  I recently read a short paragraph that summed this up way better than my naïve words. 'If you support an independent business, online or offline, you are supporting much more than you can imagine. You are backing a dream, creativity, and a family business. You are lending your support to a person who has been brave enough to make their own path and to bring colour to our lives'

  I truly hope I have brought a little colour to your lives and as a token of my appreciation I would  like to offer all of you a 20% discount on absolutely everything, (apart from Gift Cards) over the next few days both  online and in the shop.  Starting right now both online and in the shop and continuing through to the end of day on Tuesday. Please take advantage of this early Christmas Gift. To those of you who are 'local' please do call into the shop, we are stocked to the gunnels and I would love you to spend some much deserved 'me time'  sniffing, snorting, fondling and cuddling a few balls of wool! Please mention this newsletter and I will very happily give you 20% of the price of whatever loveliness you want. 

  If you are from 'out of town', make yourself a cup of tea, or pour a glass of wine, and settle down for a little online shopping. Please enter the code THANKYOU2020 at the checkout for your discount to be applied.
Here's just a 'taster' of what's new and rather lovely...

  Now, I always find this part of my newsletter difficult, how many times can I say something is lovely, gorgeous, a 'must have'  and please buy now? I can't 'hard sell', I will simply welcome you into my lovely shop or invite you to peruse my cute online store. 

However I will suggest you take a peek at the Interesting Extras section, Baby Knitting and Rowan just for starters.


The Interesting Extras section of our online store has a carefully curated selection of damn useful and rather lovely knitting paraphernalia... I don't sell anything that I don't like, is bought from a company or individual I don't respect, or an item I consider to be useless!
My particular favourites are our new 'Little Bo Peep' Boots and Beanie Kits, our exclusive Oven Cloth Kits and my joyful and ever so useful knitted Retro Dishcloths... especially those knitted in my 'Ugly Cotton'. There are so many goodies in this section we insist you must take a peek!
Browse the collection here: Interesting Extras

 A HUGE Rowan delivery arrived this week. It should have turned up 3 months ago but apparently some worldwide catastrophe effected the shipping of goods in a timely manner around the world! My very important and essential summer yarns were a little delayed.  Anyway, if you are wanting Rowan Summerlite DK Cotton, Cotton Cashmere, Handknit Cotton  and the iconic Kidsilk Haze I have rather a lovely stash and am happy to share some with you! I've also stocked up on Rowan Pure Wool Worsted, a new yarn for me and filling  a gap in our 10 ply range. We have a rather fabulous stash of Rowan Magazines and pattern books. Rowan Magazines, in particular, are so desirable, the early editions are now 'collectors items' and we like to give these glorious books the tongue in cheek title of 'Knitters Pornography'. 
Browse the collection here: Rowan
Our Baby Haven, a New Zealand pure merino 4 ply, is literally 'flying out of the door', apparently we are having  a bit of a Baby Boom at the moment...funny eh! Baby Haven is one of my  favourite merino baby yarns, available in a glorious range of modern shades. I've just finished this little cardigan using shade 'Wishy Washy' and we think it's perfect for keeping precious babies wrapped up nice and warm. 
To keep life easy we have compiled a new section on the website called 'Baby Knitting'. It has all of our favourite baby patterns and yarns... it does look quite handsome and it is where you will find both the Baby Haven and cardigan pattern.
Browse the collection here: Baby Knitting

That's enough about the shop, now for the rambling!

  If you are new to my newsletter you may not be aware that I am from England and am very English. If you cut me in half I would have 'Made In England' written through me, much like a stick of pink Blackpool Rock!

I am so glad I live in New Zealand but I do miss my homeland terribly. My mum still lives in a tiny village in the Peak District, with absolutely no family left, she is  alone and struggling somewhat. We talk on the telephone regularly and I keep in touch with the situation at home by reading the Daily Telegraph Online. Mum is a Daily Mail reader, the 'Mail' is rather a low quality newspaper, although, the once redeemed middle class paper, The Telegraph, seems to be heading in the same downward direction. Mum has managed to stay safe all year, diligently following Boris Johnson's rules, guide lines, ambiguities, U turns and hocus pocus.  She did raise an eyebrow  when  Boris declared that he trusted the public to use good old fashioned common sense in staying safe and beating the virus! Mum is  a little tired and confused now, and isn't quite sure which level of Lockdown her village is in. I'm not sure if I should be alarmed or relieved that Mum recently declared that she is not hiding herself away and is going to 'take her chance' and continue to live her life. (I do believe Jacinda could have written her rules on the back of an old envelope, they were simple and straightforward...and they worked!) Boris, on the other hand, is a law unto his own. Mum voted for Boris, she staunchly supports him, and believes 'hook, line and sinker' everything he says. We did have a good laugh when I read a less than flattering article on Boris, which wound up by saying he appeared at a press conference a little tired and deflated with the appearance of having brushed his hair with a toffee apple!

 Just this year Mum has reunited with a friend she used to go swimming with almost 50 years ago. They bumped into each other at a local National Trust property in the early New Year. They  agreed that they hadn't changed one bit, and both of them being recently widowed, rekindled their friendship. They have met up weekly for a half day of socially distanced  rambling  in the surrounding countryside. During August they decided to go for lunch at a local garden centre. Lockdown restrictions had been eased, Boris was encouraging The Great British Public to support the hospitality industry and to go out in droves and purchase substantial meals, even going to the extent of issuing half price meal vouchers for a 4 week period. Now, masks were still required to be worn in a shopping environment and to get to the garden centre café Mum and Audrey had to walk through a large retail section. Garden Centres in England don't sell much in the way of sturdy gardening equipment and plants other than 'summer bedding', rather they are stacked floor to ceiling with books, leisure clothing, plastic flowers, Crocs footwear, greetings cards and an eclectic range of soap, body lotion, hand cream and air freshers. To get to the all important cafe a mask needed to be worn, although once seated it could be removed. Mum had a mask, we had made her some pretty cotton floral ones and posted them over to her. Audrey did not have a mask but she have  have some Great British Common Sense. She whipped her fold up umbrella out of her handbag (the Brits always carry a brolly) and removed the yellow nylon case. She ripped the case almost down the length of one side and fashioned herself a face mask by placing the pointed end over her nose and mouth and tucking the other ends down the back of her cardigan. Had I been with them, and 30 years younger, I would have died with embarrassment, however, now, I do wish I could have been with them. I would have found their escapade hilarious and probably made a quacking noise as Audrey boldly walked through the garden centre in her yellow, beak shaped face mask. The pensioners lunch of cheese and onion pie, garnished with a lettuce leaf and half a tomato went down a treat and leftover pie was carefully wrapped in a paper tissue for taking home for tea! (dinner) 

 I am going to wind things up now. To those of you new to my newsletter this is relatively short edition so you have escaped lightly! I haven't finalized our shop opening hours over the Christmas period, but I'll send out a very brief newsletter nearer the time.

Just remember the magic code is THANKYOU2020 and by placing an order you will make me an incredibly happy independent small retailer!

 Happy Knitting, Fran and Olivia x
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